Wednesday, 11 February 2009

First baby steps

One of the reasons I've waited so long to have a go at this blogging malarky is the thought of putting words on a page for others to look at. How does one ever come to terms with the fact that they are not a poet or novelist in the making? Hmm...

Well, as hard as it is and as unnatural as feels I am going to give it a go with the help of Billus Millus (a Web 2.0 guru don't you know) and my fellow 'e-learners'.

It is tempting to fall in to Bridget Jones styl-ee diarising, but I'm not sure how I'd like others mulling over how dull/exciting/odd/continuous string of adjectives/etc my life is when it is something I'm really quite happy with despite nothing of note coming to mind. Hmm...

Anyway - I'm off to have a think about what should appear on these pages.


  1. He he, I found it bizarre too! Ain't it odd that it's the chatty ones who are unsure about what to write?!? I bet you'll come up with something fab in no time! Even your initial musings have provoked a response! ;o)

  2. The more you blog, the more you get into it! I'm sure you will enjoy the course.

  3. I'm just really glad that you have put fingers to keyboard Ali Stamps - well done!

    Remember though, that you are part of a course for the next few weeks and that much of what you write is dictated by the course blog - so you have a starting point and you have no need to feel unsure about what to write...

    When the course is finished, that's the tricky bit - how do you find a blog theme, a voice, an audience? It's tricky. For the most part, my own blogs reach an audience of three. Still, they are appreciative! :-)

  4. Ali, I feel much as you do. Of course we're all used by now to writing endless emails, but there's something very different about creating text that's up there for all the world to see. I liked what Bill said on Tuesday about the need to find your own distinctive blogging voice. Takes time, though, I imagine.

  5. Best of luck with the blog. Most of all, don't feel you have to post unless the fancy takes you.

  6. I think I now discovered the source of your blog's name, though through a sad event:
